questions 42 scented was maker, 6,6,7/
43 darling bud, 9,4-5
51 one band, 50 chapters? 7
52 BBC1 & ITV, become less drab, 2,5,5
57 Making it 1000 in the net, 4
64 Roy, don't be coy, 2,4,2,5,4,5
69 Bing! Im fifty! 7,5
75 Holey coin 2,3
85 4 across, Abbey Road 5,8
89 Near New Yoyo (anag.) scored 50 5,6
90 Convicted of killing a man with a dream 5,4,3
94 One wife, two prospectors 5,4,5
95 Beatles departure 4,6
99 Problems (this question aint one) 3,1