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Hammond The Buildings & Architecture Quiz 2020 9/1/21

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jackierob4 | 20:53 Wed 25th Nov 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
59 Answers
need some clues if poss
47 Indeed, chat about being alone
69 Only a fraction of houses have these
82 Shakespeare accepts Oscar inside room
85 Sodden piece of wet earth disappears
99. This is only to be used by the P.M.


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69 partitions??
69 quarters??
Does that fit with other answers??
47 Detached house?
Since you wanted clues only, there should now be only 2 answers left from all the answers given at the bottom of the quiz, so all you have to do is match them up.
82 Shakespeare likely to be "bard", accepting O(scar)
can I ask you what you put in for numbers 7,28 and 89 please
sorry, not 89 but 86, thanks
28 Clue = D
Front door
86 Sticks around the student
7. Country house
7 Afghanistan Residence

I think State Room
Not sure of this one. I completed the quiz months ago and thrown away my answer sheet. I managed to tie all the answers up but there were some answers that could have fitted multiple clues. Just looking at the alternatives, I can't see any other alternative answers!!
Mexican has it ! That was my answer also!
thank-you, in that case my answer to, "this is only to be used by the p.m. is wrong, I put country house for that,when you get one wrong in this quiz it means you have at least two wrong!
I think that one was Morning Room. I also seem to think that I changed this one from something else. I wish I had retained my answer sheet!
I think that morning room is correct.
could the PM refer to the afternoon rarther than prime minister??
Ok so morning room looks good if by the PM means until PM
99 chequers?
oh! lord, I had "sign of equilibrium right at the end of the day" for morning room
Libra R (da)Y

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Hammond The Buildings & Architecture Quiz 2020 9/1/21

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