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Tom51 | 21:11 Fri 05th Nov 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
6 words


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a wolf in sheep's clothing but only 5 words
Close I think The Winner but not quite. I can see the WOOLfor sheeps clothing but not the F at the end.
Maybe something to do with a wolf or maybe 'back flow'
Found it on a number of sites and they all lead back to the same answer.
Ok thanx, maybe its right even tho its not 6 words but if so it still dont quite work as a clue for me
It's not a great Dingbat really.
Depends how its set out I suppose. A line of letters W O O L F dont quite work but if its arranged in some other way it might work
in fact, the way it's written, its a wolf outside of the sheep's clothing.
WOWOLFOL would have been better!

I agree with Bobb - WOOLF doesn't work for me either!

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