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Quiz Question

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JJ109 | 13:14 Tue 06th Sep 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I am doing a quiz that has just come out and has ages to go before entries need to be in. I have answered 99 out of 100 questions and am therefore stuck on one.

So I don't ruin anyone else's enjoyment, I shall not list the question. If my understanding is correct, then I need the name of a male author (6,3) and the Christian name begins with L
( I don't think it is Laurie Lee!)


Many thanks


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Here is a link that you can look through. hope it's helpful.
13:23 Tue 06th Sep 2022
Here is a link that you can look through. hope it's helpful.
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Thanks TheWinner
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Please forget this question - there is not a suitable answer on that comprehensive list given by "theWinner", therefore the author is probably not the definition! Back to the drawing board!
What is the actual question?
If you don't want to give the question, have you a link to the quiz?
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Thanks for your interest TheCorbyloon, but as it is the "rainbow" quiz, I don't think it is fair to ask for specific answers yet. I don't want to ruin it for anybody else doing it. I shall think about it for a few more days.
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It is question 76

But if you know the answer, please do not list it here
jj109. I've solved this now, but don't know how to guide you without putting the answer up.
Did he write a novel whose title suggests sharing an alcoholic drink made from apples with a lady who shares her first name with a comedienne surnamed Jones?
Jim, not according to jj109, as he says at the end of his question.
Sorry, didn't spot that.
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Thanks everyone. TheWinner,don't worry, I shall get it eventually!

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