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Kings And Queens

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harkins | 16:03 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
21 Answers

5) P. 7 letters

10) Thank you your Majesty 6letters

16) Purple, scarlet and Gold 5,6,7 letters

17) Where you will find Ben 5,10,5 letters

19) Persian Ruler a tremble 7 letters

21) Warwick 3,9 letters



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16 could be Royal racing colours

21) the kingmaker?

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19   Shaking? Or are we looking for names of kings and queens?

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Sorry but it has to have King or queen as part of the answer

Just to clarify, the 'silks' worn by jockeys on horses owned by HM the Queen, and now King Charles, are a purple and scarlet jacket with gold braiding.

10   Taking

Could it not be King's Racing Colours, then?

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in aid of the barford scout hall 

17    Queen Elizabeth's Tower

5 Parking

5   Parking

27 Queen Elizabeth Tower (houses Big Ben)

16 Or Royal racing colours

21. The Kingmaker.

Sorry, just noticed Fibonacci got there before me.

19.  I can only think of sheikhs - but it can't be that.

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do you think no 19) could be shaking

Oh yes.  Almost got there.  😂

JollyRoger, see my suggestion in first reply to OP, who has ruled it out.

Oh I see cashier got 'shaking' ages ago.  

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