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Sixes And Sevens. Lions Quiz

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CHRISSIE4 | 10:05 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Hi, this is a question really for anyone doing the sixes and sevens quiz.
Firstly no: 65. Part of a picture can anybody please advise, 6,7 (sorry can't copy and paste the picture on here)
Secondly I think that no:79, a troubled police psychologist 7, could be Cracker, which means no: 97, Q79 at Hogwarts 6,6 would be Cracker at Hogwarts...........                                             any clues would be much appreciated  many thanks in advance  




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Rubeus Hagrid - played by Robbie Coltrane.

No 65   I think it could be part of a foreign airlines logo

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Sixes And Sevens. Lions Quiz

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