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Sat Telegraph question

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fireflybob | 16:07 Sat 29th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Have done a Google on this but cannot seem to find the defintive answer:-

Name the British maritime figure against whom Maria Pita led the defence of La Coruna.

Thanks for any help



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Sir Francis Drake? On Google "History of Maria Pita at La Coruna". Hope this is correct.
Wikipedia says - Sir John Moore - in the Peninsular Wars.
From spanish wikipedia

Maria Greater Fernandez de Ca'mara and Pita ( Sigr�s , 1565 - 1643 ), well-known as Maria Toots , was a heroin of the defense of Corunna in 1589 against the English Navy commanded by admiral Drake .
Ah, Maria Toots. Didn't she meet Drake at Cape Horn?

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