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Generalist July

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Mancunian | 11:04 Thu 29th Jun 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Can anyone help with 28 down

Shaped like members of the Thaliacea. 9 letters

Thanks for any help.


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Salpiform....having a barrel or keg shaped body. ea rm
This is the only thing that will fit with the across clues.

Shaney, I just had to smile when I read the comment of the other Generalist questioner about twelve queries below this one that they were (quote) "all Googled out". Cheers ma'am!
My apologies, Mancunian, for interrupting your thread.
Quite right Shaney! I should have checked first. K

guilty as charged Quizmonster, but what amused you ?
Seekerz, Some weeks ago, I asked why people rated the Generalist. I did so on the basis that it does not seem - to me - even to be a crossword, but rather a quizword.
Loads of the clues can be answered only by Googling or hunting around in encyclop�dias. That, of course, may be a lot of fun for some and I certainly would not wish to deprive anyone of the joys of doing so, but it really isn't truly demanding on the seeker personally. Seems a bit like the pub quiz entrant who sneaks out to the toilet to use his mobile phone!
I asked Shaney herself, as I know she's a fan, which rather surprised me. She did respond back then, so today's comment was just a reminder of our earlier 'chat'.

I repeat what I said back then...I wish all of you nothing but joy of the's just that its appeal utterly escapes me.

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Generalist July

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