some help needed please 12 small amount thrown out of planes (11) 18a a plaque's unveiled by public person, TV host (3,8) ?o? p?s????? 4d still off after this french musician (7) 8d variety show gave a nice time once (3,4,3,7)
thanks shaney had just worked out 18 and 8d but you beat me to it again
dont have 17a incomparable Diana Ross- once (7) ?u???m?
and 5d dignify with transport onim ? Yes (9) ?????n?f?
can you help with those please?
Thanks that has been a great help
I'm just stuck on 6d subtract abroad before spring (9) ???s?u?c?
20d Liberal president about to become embarrassed (5) ?l?s? Blush fits but I can't fit it with the clue