Well, the second week of the reign of gen2 is upon us and I (foolishly) promised to have a go at setting out the Rules of the Links Games (time permitting)! Very briefly, we pay homage to gen2 as the Laird of the Links simply because he scored more points than anyone else playing MM throughout the Month of May. His reward? He gets to set four words every Saturday morning (at 9.00 am) for the current month and we need to predict his link words that he has chosen in the style of the TV game of "Blankety Blank".
Each Entrant tries to predict his four links and each effort is scored according to a set of rules. To make things a little easier, predictions are limited in length of words (4 to 8 letters please). How are points awarded?
Mind you I have to keep a clear head - Got to pick my daughter up from Gatwick tomorrow. I'm Soooooo excited, really looking forward to spending 2 weeks with her. Especially the shopping. :-)
Hi Jools...thought you'd be here soon! had a good night?...hope you brought a take away? Nobody is giving anything away about gen2...is he that scarey???...think there might be a drop left in a bottle somewhere for you!!!
Jools...Get the credit card out!!.
Christiana...Crofter is very kindly going to run a quiz for a local charity I support, details will follow in due course!! He really is a star...but don't tell him...it might go to his head!!!
Thanks for info Pauline. Regarding Gen2 the truth is I think we're all a bit bamboozled (that's an interesting word). The truth is the links seemed very reasonable, quite guessable in fact, but hardly anybody did guess them. Clever or what?
It would be very quiet if we were all in the big brother thingy We would be too busy doing our crosswords and rifling through dictionaries ....but of course war could break out once sarumite opened a bottle of single malt .
We would be front page news ...".In the Big Brother hooose tonight ....Paulineward has to be helped to bed " ..too many cryptics have been her downfall and that last clue was just too much .A large glass of wine soon revived her to solve another day !
Who watches that rubbish ?
I pick her up at 4.pm - by the time we get back and have something to eat, she will probably be ready for bed. Or she will nod of in the car on the way back here. :-)
No one admits to watching it, but we all know about it!!
Can you imagine all the different characters from AB put together in BB....!!!
Jools, Crofter is going to set a quiz which we will place on here as well, to raise funds for a local sick children's charity. Will post more details as and when. He really is good!
Whilst you laydeees have been socialising, I was able to slip past unnoticed and secure a well hidden vantage point at the far end of the shrubbery. This should put me in prime position for my early morning links assault.
And please don't think that you can bribe me into telling you my cunning plan, as I am well provided with a bottle of Shaney's single malt, which should just about see me through the night !! :O)