Well, the second week of the reign of gen2 is upon us and I (foolishly) promised to have a go at setting out the Rules of the Links Games (time permitting)! Very briefly, we pay homage to gen2 as the Laird of the Links simply because he scored more points than anyone else playing MM throughout the Month of May. His reward? He gets to set four words every Saturday morning (at 9.00 am) for the current month and we need to predict his link words that he has chosen in the style of the TV game of "Blankety Blank".
Each Entrant tries to predict his four links and each effort is scored according to a set of rules. To make things a little easier, predictions are limited in length of words (4 to 8 letters please). How are points awarded?
Just popped in for a swift half, have been watching Darcey Bussell's farewell, all on my Jack Jones tonight as the rest of the bobs have gone to see The Lord of the Rings musical. Give me Les Mis anytime!
Hello everyone, have had great difficulty getting here tonight, first my daughter from Brixham is here so my other daughter came over amnd they've been looking at old schoolfriends no friends reunited,then I just couldn't post anything,it was "this page cannot be used" all the time. Its so frustrating not knowing what i'm doing!!!! (and not being able to chat to you all) Honestly I wasn't watching Big Brother,I've got enough with Burgess!!!!!!!
Very witty Sarumite!!
evsajo...you need a laptop! You just keep plugging away at the computer...you're doing brill!!
Think burgess should go in the house anyway!!...who else would we send in??
Pauline I have got a laptop (it was Geoff's) but i know even less about that!! Sarumite tell me where you are hiding I won't tell anyone. Crofter is up late tonight, perhaps he wants to join if we all go into a Big Brother house. All we would do all day is play scrabble,do quizzes and crossword puzzles and have a drink and do no washing up !!
The viewers would hate it because we wouldn't be arguing, swearing, be abusive or have no morals!...oh well maybe we could pretend..just for them!!! :-)
Pauline I have been doing "where's Wally" all afternoon with my grandson! What a coincidence, but i have had more than enough of it now,I can never find anyone!