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Coastal England and Wales

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tpw536w | 20:47 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
2)Not Stoney, but wet (9,2,3)
8)Bird finds right way to Calais (5)
20)HRH around ace student for men of song (7)
30)Deer to get the French puddle or monkey spy (10)
34)Say without something around else find the Bill (6)
39)Marsh gets no right to royal resort (6,5)
42)John goes around the god of thunder's quiet resort (11)
49)Look at the car differently- it's capital (7)

Thanks for any help on these


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6 Dove r

39 Bognor Regis

42 Cleethorpes
30 Hartlepool
20 Harlech

HRH around smart ALEC !!!
34. Selsey
8. Dover
2 Middleton on Sea Sussex I think.(Stony Middleton is in Derbyshire)
49 Cardiff
Question Author
Thanks so much everyone, still have quite a few to do by Friday!!

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Coastal England and Wales

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