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sweetness and light

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teddysbears | 22:16 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
31 Answers
can anyone help with no 90 cupids tipple shows the way , (6.6) sounds like hot cake! At one time marks bought it (7). thank you cheers T


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That must be almost the whole quiz now. Are you not doing any of it yourself?
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no a few more yet watch this space!
This type of quiz is clearly way beyond you. Why don't you do yourself and the rest of us a favour and put it in the bin.
Sorry I cant help you on these teddysbear, also sorry we have another grump in our midst, had to smile at your answer. I have done a lot of this quiz but still puzzling over a few your two amongst them.
teddysbears, I have had you in my mind as a determined child just getting to grips with quizzes - the handle, I suppose.

But I have just chanced upon your post (21;21 on Monday 8 Oct) which explains all.

Your situation is the ultimate justification - if one were needed - for this site. I sincerely hope that the Spotty Dogs amongst us will check back to this post and just pipe down.
And that's what some people dont realise isnt it Aquagility. We all have our reasons for becoming quiz addicts.
I gave up work to look after my hubby who suddenly became disabled and therefore do hours of trying before I come on here to ask for help
I loved your answer too T
so you deserve these
90 nectar guides (to do with bees)
and the other (see no number lol) stollen
Sorry Aquagility but ones circumstances make absolutely no difference to the situation - if somebody cannot do a quiz or a crossword by themselves, what is the point of getting answers from somebody else? How does that person gain? If you can only do 60 out of 100 questions on a quiz yourself, that must be better than getting 98 with help surely? I am afraid I just cannot see any logic on somebody being given answers.
Well said Aquagility I just can`t see why Figi and Spotty Dog use this site if it upsets them soooo much,can`t they understand its a way of keeping in touch with a lot of friendly people when some cant get out and about.
I do hope these few nasty people dont put off the so many nice people we all have got to help us in our old age.
This is not a chat site freebi2 - there are many different ways of making friends other than to use cheating on this site - and that is what everybody is doing who asks for answers here.

I`m sorry Waugh 2 but I really did think this site was for asking and answering quiz and puzzle questions and I dont think its cheating to get an answer from one of our nice friends on here what is the difference to asking goggle or looking in somebodys book or a mate who knows about the subject , how do we learn if we dont ask questions
Waugh 2, you are right - this is not a chat site. So why do you and others of like mind come on here for no other purpose than to tell the rest of us what we should do or not do?

I can only assume that you find people seeking help to be a threat to your own chances of winning a major prize!!

I don't think so..........
Aquagility - everyone who asks for an answer in order to gain from it is a cheat and everybody who answers somebody seeking to gain from it is an accessory to that cheating. If I were an old lady who had got 98 out of a 100 questions all by myself, i would be very unhappy to find someone who could only do 80 and had to ask others for the remaining twenty won a prize instead of me.

Freebi2 - you may not consider it cheating but it is - you would not allow a school pupil to get answers from others in a test, so why here? If you google or look in a book, you are at least finding the answers by yourself. Asking ones mate is also cheating, if you seek to gain from the answer given.

I know I will be ignored but that does not make what most of you do on this portion of the site right - you are morally wrong.
Sometimes when looking for an answer the words you put in lead you to this site where someone else has already asked. Is that then cheating or just googling?
Please tell me Waugh 2 what it is that you are looking for on this site ( other than finding someone to pick on ) if you look back each thread is asking a question so if we didnt ask questions who would use the site and for what

I asked why you come on here, Waugh2. And now I have the answer.

You come on here to preach.
Oh come on smouse - are you serious? Are you suggesting it is right to gain from somebody else's cheating? That is the same as saying that if a pupil passes an answer on a piece of paper to another pupil via you that it is ok for you to look at that piece of paper and get the answer - that is still cheating.
Freebi2 - you are mixing up the different parts of this site. is there another portion of this site where somebody else is seeking to win something? No - which makes this portion of the site, in the main, immoral as it accepts cheats.

Aquagility - yes, I expected that of you - you are one of the most prolific accessories to cheating on this site - and most honest crossword and quiz solvers would be utterly ashamed of you.
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I would like to thank those who have stood up for me , i would just like to say i do not do quizzes for any gain only for my personal pleasure, and if i cannot find the answer i ask because i personally want to know. any thing i have won in the past i have given back to the charity .and would again my questions are for knowledge not again thanks again. I will continue to ask and answer on this site .cheersT
You have admitted you still send the quizzes in, teddysbears.
You may not yourself seek to gain from the answers but I note that you do not say why you think it is right that you may 'win', having received answers from others, instead of others who have not done so.

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