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Aperio | 13:07 Tue 16th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Tactless, as one is overheard (10). Indiscreet or Undiscreet?

"One is heard" provides "discrete" ->"discreet", but there does not seem to be any indication whether it should be prefixed by "in" or "un". My preference is for in-discreet. Any thoughts?


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Chambers does not recognise undiscreet.
The answer is "indiscreet" (tactless) which is a homophone (is overheard) for "indiscrete" (homogeneous, not separated = as one)?
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Indiscrete and undiscreet are synonymous according to Webster's Dictionary

Quick definitions (undiscreet)

(a.) Indiscreet.

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