mos treasure hunt in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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mos treasure hunt

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JAMJAK | 13:16 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Is the treasure in Solihull or Astwood Bank?
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Astwood Bank but good luck with the claim line if you decide to ring in. I don't know of anyone who's managed to claim successfully so far.
Can confirm Astwod Bank and agree about the phone line. I've sent the Mail on Sunday an email pointing out it's one of the worst designed systems I've ever come across and that they risk a real PR disaster if they don't get it sorted out. Newspapers are quick enough to criticise the TV companies over their various scams. You'd think they would have thought abouot that before organizing what otherwise I found a quite entertaining set of puzzles.
Could I have their email please as I paid twice but couldn't complete it all in time. I refuse to spend more money.....
I can confirm that the answer is astwood bank but I have also phoned twice but didnt get the time to register my answer so I would also like the e mail address of the mail on sunday

Well fifi1,if you have a query regarding competitions you could try either of these email addresses:-
promotions@dailymailonline.co.uk or
Haven't a clue why fulfilment is in the address!!
Don't worry about the first address with Daily Mail in it.It goes to the same place as the Mail on Sunday.

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