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xmas quiz

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stefthehun | 19:29 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
swap miss worlds little pyjamas and town of american witches

go for it lie in king


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stef, I really don't know, & this is so tenuous as to be almost embarrassing - if 'little pyjamas' are 'PJ(s)', and you add that 2004's Miss World came from Peru, and you 'swap' the 'P' & 'J', you could conceivably come up with - Jeru-salem (?????)

I'm sure that an AB'er that actually has the quiz will give you a better answer - or a better definition - lol !
Pours large drink & awaits universal derision...
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sounds reasonable to me lie-in king

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