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London Underground

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tpw536w | 16:13 Mon 14th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
What four stations don't have an above ground station?

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Picadilly, Regents Park, Hyde Park Corner and Bank.
Regent's Park, Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park Corner and Bank.
I'm confused about a) the question and b) the answers. Why, for example, excludes Green Park station from this list. I'm probably being extraordinarily thick but would be grateful what I have misunderstood from the question.
Green Park had a station entrance last time I looked right next to Marks and Sparks or have they moved it ?.
The others have no associated buildings above just go down the steps into the tube system.
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Thanks grasscarp & shaneystar2, could only find one,Regents Park.

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