Does anyone have a new quiz for sale ? If so please could I have the details ,I've run out of things to do !
Also if you are doing a particularly good quiz may I have the details of that.
The St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild Colour Quiz is still selling well & the closing date is not until 29th March. First prize is �25.00. Please send �1.00 (coin or a cheque made payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild) & a stamped self addressed envelope to:-
3 Church Street,
Deeping St. James,
PE6 8HF.
Children of Fiji quiz available. Cryptic and factual clues leading to types of bird. �1 plus sae to 1 South Drive, Cattistock, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 0JG
Closing date March 15th
New Capel quiz, Found in London, part two
Mrs Cherry Leppard
29 Albany Road
Capel le Ferne
CT18 7LA
�1 + SAE, cheques payable to
C. V. H. M. C.
(Capel Village Hall Management Committee, Reg Charity no 281786)
Closing date Feb 29.
Diabetes UK Horsham support branch. 100 questions - all locations in UK. A mixture of GK, Cryptic and anagrams. �1 (cheque payable to W.J.Woodford) and SAE to Bill and Janet Woodford, 102, Corsletts Avenue, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham, West Sussex. RH12 3NZ. Closing date 31st march.
Puzzle-quiz in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People - simply insert the name of a bird into the blanks in a story so that the story still makes sense. Please send a cheque (made payable to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People) for �1 per quiz plus a SAE to