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Camps Hill

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Quizmaster | 16:25 Tue 08th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Answers have food or drink in the them which are underlined
4 T A G I M S the S is underlined
13 T G W P the P is underlined
43 M R S the R is underlined
57 D D T W the W is underlined
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If they are songs
57 Dont Drink That Wine by NWA
If Films
4 Theres A Girl In MY Soup
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Thank you for your answers mamyalynne I forgot to say that they are Film titles
13. The great waldo pepper
43. Mr Rices secret
57. Dont drink the water
Question Author
Thank you mamyalynne & littlelamb for your replies

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