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Lions Unusual place names

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hannahmay | 18:00 Sat 13th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
For number 25, i have been told Crooked house or Crooked Stick, but this does not seem right as there is crooked i the answer, any solutions anyone, thought i was done but not happy with this one.


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Clue please?
I'm not going to be around much longer so I you are going to post the clue, please do so now.

Are you aware of the nursery rhyme?

There was a crooked man,
and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence
upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat,
which caught a crooked mouse,
and they all lived together in a crooked little house.
have found crooked holme in the map book so maybe that it
Question Author
Sorry the clue is Belonged to the Crooked Man, 7,5
Yes i am aware of the rhyme have studied i long and hard, to no avail.
Thankyou smurff have not got that in my map book.

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Lions Unusual place names

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