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yellow11 | 18:02 Sat 13th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
1 Answers
stuck half way!
9a gesture,first off,threatening to capture island base 11
I???M???O?? ignominious???
1`7a intervening to take care of repair,brought about muscular action 13 ????N?H?T?C?L
21a extract long hair,said to be what supplies power 4,4
????/??I? grid?
25a secure bank-there's no run on it 3
27a institution's former collapse 7 ends in r


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9a (S)Ign-omin-i-ous
17a Parent-he-tic-al - 'heal' (round) 'tic'
21a Ring main (wring mane)
25a Tie(r)
27a Founder

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