Good morning and welcome and, yes, it is I Sir Strix the Artichoke back to tease you for a second week. It may be thought that having been given the privilege of setting the MM Links that the first thought of the setter is to be so esoteric in his choice of words as to make it damn-near impossible for anyone to score points. This is so far from the truth as to be unfunny. Consequently I was sad that it might have seemed I had been deliberately abstruse with my first selection of words. I will try, somehow or other this week to be a little more obliging by way of hints. Regardless, as ever, the kite-marked and patented crofter is at my elbow to steady and guide me as I blunder my way through the setting of the Link words and to make sure they are all there for your delight and delectation at 9a.m.