Good Morning AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty the Pretender! This is the first week of my reign and the first time (ever) that someone has acceded to the throne of Link-land with only four points to their name! Hence, I feel like a pretender to the throne and more like Cinderella than the Princess. However, I'll do my best, but until I've learned the ropes, I'll keep it brief!
When I joined AB, I chose the name Dustybun partly a slight twist on "Dustybin" but really driven by my habit as a teenager of being a little heavy-handed with the mascara. In honour of my "panda eyes", I quickly picked up the nickname of "Dusty" (as in Springfield).
As with all previous setters, I shall follow the rules relating the word length as introduced by crofter. Each of my chosen link words contains at least four letters and at most eight. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one or more of your attempts! Each of my selected words may go in front of or after my challenge word. The competition will officially close at 7.00pm on Sunday evening when crofter will declare my selected words, then apply the same rules for awarding points that have been applied during all MM Link Games in the past. My very first set of words to be linked should appear below at 9.00am.