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Local paper, (cryptic) Please can you help?

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tarasmum | 07:59 Sat 30th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
1a. Commotion caused by disturbing brute in tree (8) - - - B - - A -.
12a. Would be select if ninety were admitted, but difficult to catch (7) E - - - I - E. (I was considering ELUSIVE for this one but can't work out why, ninety would be XC).
23a. To Len red is imbued with disorder (8). - E - - L - N -.
8d. Disdainfully rejects boys from organisation (6) - C - - -S. (thinking ogfSCOUTS for this one, but how?).
Thaqnks to all in anticipation. Tarasmum.


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23a Redolent
12 e xc lusive- select
1a Outbreak
8d Might be 'Scorns' but can't see why...
Question Author
Thank you so much Claud and Beejay. Scouts works in the grid for 8d. Thanks.
I can get my life back, till the next crossword! Tarasmum.

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Local paper, (cryptic) Please can you help?

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