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School Quiz.

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MissBoots | 15:54 Wed 22nd Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
I've the same answer twice and am wondering if anyone could help with alternatives?

7. Instruct hesitation = teacher.
17. Short withdrawal from alcohol = teacher.

Thanks for any ideas.


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is there a number of letters etc , could be abstain. or teetotal
Question Author
Every answer in the quiz has something to do with School, there aren't any letters or numbers to help unfortunately!
17. I assume you have teacher from Teacher(s) whisky. how about Bell(s) ?
Question Author
Thank you Vicasso for a very good suggestion, but I already have 'bell' for another answer -
39. Deadly nightshade minus a kebab = bell.
Short withdrawal from...Recede..shortened Rec+ alcohol Rum ...Rec Room. just an idea.
ok, another shot in the dark :-)

pu(ll) + Pils
or maybe s+port
Question Author
Thank you Pea Pod and Vicasso - although I have 'pupil' and' P.E.' already as answers your suggestions are certainly very worth considering. Thanks for taking the time.

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