Clue please for Q92 this month's Learn Burn. What is the name, derived from the Greek for "twisted jaw", applied to the bony strong-toothed order of fishes with small mouths and small gill-openings
Thank you everyone who helped, bui I did ask for a clue, not the answer. never mind - can you stop the carping - I could not get an answer on google and the quiz is for fun anyway, not money. Lighten up!
Diane - please ignore these clowns. Hopefully the Ed will be able to do something about them. Feel free to ask ANY question here as stated on the home page of this site.
I meant to hijack post to say Hi to dimple. I'm fine but because of all the cheating I only do GFQ and Colossus Puzzles. I gave up Quizmail because I was in it to win the dosh.