92. In the past you had a horse but were interested in Peter's. 4
59. Ronald took part in a crooked deal with the robber 7
I know its early but could anyone give me a clue for these please? They're driving me mad! Thanks.
Thanks mtsgirl - yes, I have found that generally people on quizzes and puzzles are very friendly and helpful.
I think that your idea of "clues only" is splendid and just gives that little extra bit of help.
Hi Goofy - yes I have seen that other thread - a bit confusing that both threads have the same title.
Question 13 should be easy and yet I am still struggling with this one (and others I might add !) "Not making your mind up on this one ? How uncomfortable (7,2,3,5)"
Thanks Goofy will continue to work on that, and 96, good clues about that one. Nobody has mentioned 30 yet, I am obviously not prepared to find the correct answer there either!
Thanks fox lee 2 I had been trying anagrams, got basset hound out of some of the words but obviously not correct. Will keep trying. Out for dinner tonight so won't be very switched on when I get back!
Just got home from my meal out. Oh, so I got it right then? Sorry folks, would not have put it if I'd realised. Don't tell the AB police please! I too love Fred Basset, nearly as much as my two dear old black labs. Thanks for the input, will plod on with the others. Sleep well all
Still trying my hardest with 31 So, another word for rustler or more easily, a player as in Sheakespeare? Beginning with Ab, as that I think I remember is the Latin word for from, or have I got that wrong? Have scoured Chambers in reference library for another word for rustler but can only get a 6 letter one beginning with D Any other clues please? Ok, I agree, I am slow on the uptake but it is driving me insane.
So that makes 86 which I think are correct, not too bad and still plenty of time to go, albeit not much inspiration at the moment. Teacher 1 you are very quiet; have you finished or just sitting there waiting for requests?