Welcome back xray. I always photocopy mine when it arrives and work on the copy, then transfer onto the original to post back. 2 years running I have made silly mistakes by leaving off s at the end of the word, knocking me back to 97.5 last year. Am determined to be more careful this time. I have returned it before when I still have quite a lot unsolved but would never not send it back, even if, as the compilers say, I only had 10 or 20 correct. They are always for such good causes. I have only got 2 still to solve. Have had lots of good hints from my regular friends on here although I had solved over 60 before i started looking. With one or two noted exceptions we are all a friendly helpful lot of people who love quizzes, as simple as that. Anyway, start asking for hints when you are ready. Lots of luck.