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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 21st Nov 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
107 Answers
Good evening everyone. The club is now open.

It would be much appreciated if we had a good turnout of members tonight .

A talk has been organised entitled 1001 things to do with a carpet sweeper, which I am sure you are all looking forward to.
Lordalex cannot wait. He likes a good turnout.


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If I am bestowed the honour of opening the club next week I will do my best. Thank you Mi'lady, I will try not to make the c@ck up I did last time. Flipping heck, I'm so excited!!
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Well, you'll just have to fight it out between yourselves. I'm sure all will be well.
Calm down, Miss Meg.

Can I have one of your delicious butties, please Mamya and a glass of something warming to wash it down with.

Oh no! I ended that sentence with a preposition. That is something up with which I cannot put.
Mamya, don't want to pul the rug from under you, if you're still up to no good on it!!! You open up, you're better than me.
Mamya I didnt know you were ambidextrous so many languages
oh feel guilty now as you were so keen ,what shall we do toss a coin
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Mamya has many talents.
If you have a close look, you will see that she is also amphibeyus...amifibus....can breathe under water...
heres your butty milady and a chartreuse special to wash it down

oh yes alex I have very green fingers in the lingo department
Indeed miladt as all the seafood for tomorrows feast I caught by diving myself
I hope you wore your snorkel and hairnet Mamy
Terribly confused, I will have a butty, can't cope with responsibility.
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I knew we had made a good choice when we employed you Mamya.

Well, I'm off to bed now. Thanks again for all the laughs.
Don't get up to anything I would disapprove of next week....and remember, I have counted the spoons and lordalex may look dopey, but he knows what's in his cellar......
Night all!
Goodnight Ladyalex and thanks for the use of your facilities once again I dont know how his lordship put sup with the noise
Nite Milady I shall be joining you soon.
Missmeg you cant get into bed with Ladyalex his lordship would object
Goodnight milady and missmeg have put an extra pillow on for you

Cellar what cellar??
Will have to depart, broomstick waiting. Are you okay to open up next week mamya? Alex, you baffle me, are you Lord Alex in disguise? Soz bit slow on the uptake. Nite, Nite, xxx
well Mamy it looks like just you and me again and I am not sure if I will make it next week as it is my grandsons birthday and the grownups may be having a little drinkies when he and his sister have gone to bed
Yes missmeg will open up and see you then, night night
no Missmeg I am another person entirely
ooh lucky you alex do have a good time, I miss partys and they can be fun (even if we pretend they are for the children)LOL

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