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quizmouse | 10:42 Fri 02nd Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
85 Answers
I suppose i should thank those who held off asking for answers until July, as requested. I have had a scan through and see over a quarter of the quiz has now been requested, not just clues but actuall answers given. I really dont understand why?? You send in your pound (or not in some cases) and I send out a sheet of CLUES for you to answer, then you ask for a second clue!! WHY?? Just to say for those who cant or wont play the game, my next quiz can at your request be sent to you with an answer sheet for to cut out the 'middle man' and as an added bonus I wont charge any extra. That shouls make life easier for all, and maybe instead of marking answers I'll just draw one at random, infact it could just be a raffle, with a few questions thrown in!!
Cheers everyone I'll just go and waste another few hours racking my brains for a few more clues for the next quiz, due out shortly for you to ruin!!


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I'm sure she doesn't give a flying fig - she has lots of quizzes to finish before its too late!
I'm with squarebear on this. This site is called answerbank and that is what people try to do.No-one is made to join or made to stay, the door is always open.
Another latecomer who missed the point of the thread entirely
Sounds like he hit the nail on the head to me.

Why don't you go and join a motorcycle owner's website to complain that they should be using cars, as people are getting bored of you here.
I suppose I could leave and let all the cheats prosper - but why give tham all an easy ride?
How can you call them cheats? They are not sitting exams. You sound like a real sad *%£(¬}{
Oh god , not another football (soccer) related avatar!
Are you lot still at it !
If everyone had played the game fairly, England might have had a second goal - but what do I know about playing fair?
It's only a game - no-one gets hurt - it's irrelevant really. Who cares about rules and fair play?
May i join in on smouses behalf. I dont see why she got mentioned in this thread.I have always found her to be extremely helpful but then i only ask one or two and only when quiz is nearly finished. I am currently selling a quiz and I am giving a prize for first and second and also one for anyone who returns a quiz complete or not.
She used to be very helpful but then changed overnight for some reason. Apart from a very few posts, most of her replies are very unhelpful.
I think you should rephrase the last bit Diane - the idiots will think they will get a prize merely by returning it.

A draw for a prize from all the returned entries, completed or not.
Maybe smouse has knocked herself silly from banging her head against the brick wall you were on about
"and also one for anyone who returns a quiz complete or not. "
"A draw for a prize from all the returned entries, completed or not. "

Looks like the same thing to me.
a prize for anyone who returns a quiz complete or not suggests everyone gets one, rather than a draw from all of the entries?

I would hate for anyone to feel aggrieved at missing out.
I try and normally complete the puzzles and except for once have not asked a question on this site. that is not to say that I have not taken advantage of the helpful people who have already answered that question -I have and MANY THANKS to you.When I google an question or get a return in Wikipedia I'll often read about the topic and try to stretch my mind by learning.
In the last few months i have been putting something back into this site (I hope) by answering questions -I wont submit an answer unless i've found the answer myself - sometimes i spend ages trying to find the answer to others questions-Am i a mug for that ?- I dont think so -I enjoy the challenge of trying to stretch my mind.No difference than trying to answer a hard question in a crossword book.
If people want to pose questions to be answered on this site it gives those who want to answer a challenge.
I spoke to someone who sets quizzes to raise funds for a local church about this issue -where before using the internet they might sell 40 or 50 now it can be 200 or 300 .Were they bothered that someone might post answers on a web site like this - no the charity benefitted and that was the main reason to set the quiz.
smouse is a very lovely lady
People do make me laugh!
I get the reason for posting quizzes on this site - the charity benefits - no-one can argue about that.

You may think you are "giving something back" but I am sure the serial quizzers hoovering up the answers to each and every quiz won't give you a second thought.

I am pleased you get great enjoyment from learning from the quizzes, please keep on doing so.

I'm pleased we make you laugh Greedyfly, there are a lot of people locked up with me make me laugh too!

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