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KM Links Game - July week 4 results

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seekeerz | 06:03 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Good morning everyone - I'm a little behind schedule but will get this posted asap

Storm warning - quite shortly there will be something of a ruckus on this spot - it will be an incensed owl, breathing fire and brimstone and demanding a recount, or better still, Kate's head on a plate !! Kate has out - twiited the owl at his own game and he has been awarded a point !!!! He will not be best pleased, so you are warned.

The matches were -

Emperor Moth
Brand Name
South Down [ and Strix's downfall }
Nail File

and two clever people matched three correctly and collected 6 points namely - MrO and cpfcrosiel, and a further 16 matched two for an extra 3points, and a further 29 added another point to their tally.

The Leader Board has had a healthy boost of points this weekend and is getting rather long, so I'll do an 'abridged version' and then we'll have the full print-out next weekend, at the end of the month

So I'll leave you with the usual reminder that we'll reconvene next Saturday, same time, same place for one last fling at it - have a good week and I'll see you then...cheers, S


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13 points - london_lassy

9 points - lysander

8 points - wickedtongue, Chiefpanda, Prescott, & cpfcrosiel

7 points - cliffyg, crofter, Magyar, MrsE & Rose Maybud

6 points - MrO & stevie

5 points - beejay1124, Elspeth, grannydi, patchett, ShazzaHewat, chriss & seekeerz

The Free Fall Club, having lost it's chief cook and bottlewasher is now down to 7 members, who after the demise of their leader, may decide the whole thing's not worth the trouble, but that remains to be seen - next week will tell the story so watch this space !!! and before I get shot down by the above mentioned, I shall leave !!!
...till then,.... Steff
Thanks seekerz. A slight improvement for me this week. Congratulations to all, and commiserations to Strix.
Good morning Steff - wow, I got two right this week - I think that is my all-time record so far!!
I hope all is well in the land of Oz, not caught up with you for a while.
thanks steff, think I managed 2 out of that lot
not enough to dent the leader board thoough
will try next week
Two correct in the first two minutes - I have not achieved that
in a long time - is that 4 points or 3 points?

I'll look forward to playing MM again in 2 weeks
after this 5 Saturday month!

Thanks Steff have a good evening
Question Author
our scoring system is a little different, John - we don't have the two-minute free-for-all and it's

10 for all correct
6 for 3 correct
3 for 2 correct
1 for 1 correct

and that format is good throughout the whole contest.
Question Author
Hi boxy, I'm good, thanks, but very cold !! winter with a vengeance.

have you been watching the owllets ?? vey cute but not nearly as civilised as our ospreys - one of them grabs the food and runs, but the eyes are amazing and the things they do with their necks make me wince !!
Never mind Strix!

Thanks seekeerz. The Wards were rubbish again!
Thanks Steff ~ my usual Dopey results!! Am I right in thinking that I am in the FFC this month? I don't think the little 'Wols' will be in the nest for much longer. Still, I suppose i could always do some housework!!! :0) Keep warm! x
A magnificent zero for me this week, and my reference book (published by the "Daily Telegraph") gave the Shakespearean fairy's name as "mote" (instead of "Moth"). Until the penny dropped I could not fathom what an Emperor Mote was !!!!!
Thanks Steff, although I'm staying in the freefall club this month and will probably not be able to enter next week unless I return home in time to get a late entry in.

Strix, sorry to hear that you have flown away from the 'club', although Dustybun and Steff have been watching your nest on the videocam....I hope you haven't been throwing out the toys!

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KM Links Game - July week 4 results

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