28) Two more than oriley (Think this might be a typo but not sure)
31) Old way of lifting sacks, choose, add 3 letters, 2 both
39) --, -, ---, shut door from outside
75) Bottom on circle, old boys , --, -, like skip
I did no such thing, maybe I made some of you realise that soon every quesiton will have been asked but did I say dont ask or did I say feel guilty you are asking so many - no I didnt
I have not stopped you helping one another you will do that whatever my opinion I just know that when I win I win on my own merit and am sure I feel much better for it
Hi hellywelly, I was merely meaning that if Mr Lyall is using nursery rhyme books from his childhood, then that could explain some of the obscure ones, there are quite a lot in the lists that I have never heard of. On the other hand,I suppose they could be very modern ones. Now I am not saying he is old, but ....... lol
What is wrong with you people, if you want to argue a point answerbank is not the place, alright people ask questions that is what the site is for but it is not the site for arguements. I think this should be stopped NOW