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seekeerz | 01:35 Sun 17th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers
Good morning Lie-in, hope you're keeping well !!


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'allo !! 'allo !! what's this - you two sneakimg off behind my back !! well, I never did !!

mamy - I'm amazed ar you and as for you, fuzz-ball !! typical man, can't be trusted further than they could be thrown !!! led astray by the siren call of brushes and combs - can't rely on choccies to hold them these days !!!
Oh dear do I detect I have tread upon your toes, if so I do apologise (well sort of) it's every girl for herself you know. LOL
Question Author
yes, I do know, mamy - after your debacle with the dreaded ena and her scullduggery [?] ways with alexanderd, I guess it's first in, best dressed, or something along those lines !! then againm you did say 'just grooming' and Lie-on and I were more into the 'melted chocolate licking' and there's a subtle [!!] difference between the two, so perhaps we should share - what do you think ?? [ don't ask the fluff-ball btw, men are always so peculiar about this sort of thing !! ]
Surely you are not suggesting a Menage a Trois ? Or are you thinking more along the lines (lol) of a time share?

"Time share" indeed! I'll have you both know that there's more than enough Lie-in ("Lie-On", seek - a Freudian slip, or wishful thinking?) to go around!

I'd be quite happy to gobble up a chocolate koala & then be washed & groomed to within an inch of my life!

I've a feeling this thread may be "moderated" quite soon...

Be well, both - L-i K :-)) ♥♥ xx
Oh I do hope it is not cancelled, is keeping a big furry cat very happy I feel, Purrrrr♥
You got that right girl!! :-)) (Purrrrrs happily...)
Question Author
he he he he !!! LOL whoops !!! oh dear Lie-in that was a Freudian slip of the greatest magnitude !! have no desire to be banned, so will check sp before posting

no mamy dear, I'm not that keen on menage a trois - too many bits and pieces going in too many directions at once, can't keep track - no, I think time share would be the way to go !! - get the feeling the old woolly fuzz ball might quite enjoy it !!! so I'll stock up on chocolate koalas and you bring the brush and comb - xxxxxxx [2 for each !!]
....and my massage oils of course, for an extra glossy coat ♥♥♥
Question Author
ooo, yummy mamy - can't forget them !!! xxx
Huh & grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

"Old woolly fuzz-ball"?!?!

seek - did you mean these (or similar)? -


- cos I'm in the mood for a real, choccy-covered koala! Let's face it, you're asleep most of the day & full up with poisonous leaves, so you'll not be the hardest hunt...

...Speaking of which - mamy, that sounds wonderful, but nothing too strongly scented - I wouldn't want the little tree-rat to know I'm there...

ROFL, Be well all, L-i K :-)) ♥♥ xx
Oh no Maj, would not want to spoil the scent of the wild beast, just pure and unscented natural oils to calm and sooth as you doze beneath the trees. Purrrr♥
Hi mamya! I've been dealing with muppets for days now - seems all the neighbours think I'm the "go-to guy"? Got to go at 1.00 for another visit - doesn't matter so much now - this thread really cheers me up!

Just had Marmite & peanut butter on toast (pretending it was koala!..) - don't often eat midday, so would rather be dozing than setting up a TV & DVD - ah well...

Later! (Purrrrrrrring) L-i K ♥
However good a neighbour you are, don't take on more than you can handle, it is very easy to do. Take care speak later. ♥
Put it off till 1.15, having a drink to calm down...

By the way mamya, thanks for the prompt about the Rainbow quiz the other day - found it, got 63 on the first pass through yesterday... xx
...And no, I'm not looking at the bear's clues on the current threads - yet! :-)
Good idea, it is a great quiz as usual.
Yes, they are good! Gotta run, see you round the site... xx
Hope to see you round and about tomorrow Maj and do hope you are well Purrr♥
Thanks hon, I'm fine, though tired...

You're ok, I trust? :-))

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