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seekeerz | 01:35 Sun 17th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers
Good morning Lie-in, hope you're keeping well !!


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ooh you cheeky monkey LOL

PS Mamya says Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr♥
Morning seekeerz! Thank you, I'm fine & just passing through on my way to my den! Hope you're also well? Haven't we a date with some chocolate sometime?.. :-))

Sorry to speak & run, but it's been a loooong day...

Nighty-night, don't let the redbacks bite!
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who's a cheeky monkey then, mamy ?? and how are you too, dear mamya ?? xx
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oooh, crossed wires there !! yes, we do indeed Lie-in, but I keep eating the chocolate first !! take care ... xx
I am fine thank you very much and will tickle his mane any time LOL Night night ♥
Hi mamya! Sorry, I've just got to get some sleep...

Your purr's bigger than mine! :-)) x
If you say so Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr♥
...I conditioned my mane just for you x
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now stop it you two .. you're steaming up my screen !!!
Seek - does mamya like chocolate, I wonder?..
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Veeeery probably, Lie-in ... would you like to swap partners for that strange little ritual we had planned ??
For you I might!!!
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goodness !! somehow 'good morning' has turned into an orgy !!
So sorry, Mamya hangs her head in shame and shuffles off...giggling
Question Author
and so you should mamy ... a girl of your age !!! and giggling as well !!! seems the old fluff ball has crashed somewhere though !!
He is curled up in his den.
Yes he was! Seek! "...the old fluff ball..."?!?! How very dare you?

"Save the eucalyptus tree!"
Good afternoon Maj♥
Good afternoon to you too, mamya! x
Hello, both!

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