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Izaac | 17:29 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
1. The story of ............
2. serenade

Thanks for any help


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2 Think royally
1 The story of Tina was an Al Martino song
2 Good clue, ladyalex -I'm keeping quiet this time( though I did wonder why an serenade instead of a serenade!!. I'm no good at giving clues though I thought of "knocked out of Strictly on TV last night" for no1 but then lots of people don't watch it.
ladylex, wouldn't it be nice if the people you helped let you know if they've sussed out your clue?I often wonder. I know some of them do and some admit they're still stuck.
Hi quinie....bit late in looking at this.
Yes, it would be good if people let you know...especially if you've given clues.
I must say I blow hot and cold between answers and clues....I always give answers to crossword questions, but have started trying to give clues for quizzes....don't really know why as the crossword prizes are usually much higher than the quiz ones....
I think your clue to no1 would have been great...wouldn't have taken much research to find out who you meant.
ladyalex :-))

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