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Riddle of the day

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Jemisa | 14:35 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | Riddles
44 Answers
Riddle of the Day

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.
Michael J. Fox has a small one.
Madonna doesn't have one.
The Pope has one but doesn't use it.
Clinton uses his all the time.
Obama is one.
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.
Liberace never used his on women..
Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.
Cher claims that she took on 3.
We never saw Lucy use Desi's.

What is it?

Answer below Later! (this is pretty good )



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It is.
Question Author
Its a good Q. Yes.
Your quote is from 'The Order of the Garter'
Translated means > > >

"Shame on Him Who Thinks Ill of It"

I can't see where it would fit in a shop.

keep thinking Jem :o)
Question Author
Give us a clue Stan, what sort of shop?
We've done banknotes, we've done coins, errrmm!!

Would it be The Royal Coat of Arms that is involved ?
no emeritus
sorry yes emeritus
On products that have been given Royal Approval ?
Sorry got to go now. Will come back later when hopefully someone has the answer
Surely worth half a cigar ?
Question Author
There's no coat of arms in any of the shops I go in.

I've gotta cook tea now > > > > > maybe back later.

I did say you would see the motto everyday....even in your local shop/convenience store
standian, yes
Question Author
Been racking my brains and the only thing I can come up with Stan is a > > > > >

THERE you go - motto of the Order of the Bath - it is displayed prominently
everyday - on the masthead of The Times
sorry...............Order of the Garter
See, that was unfair to us who only get The Sport.
Question Author
I never read a newspaper OG, especially 'The Times' It was an educated guess ...
I remembered ''The Herald' (there's a blast from the past) used to have some sort of motto on it so took a guess that some other paper could have.

I liked that Stan, kept me on my toes, Any More?


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