I can only recall two 'near death experiences', so here are my recollections:
1. I was in my teens, on my bike, negotiating a roundabout, when I became trapped between two big lorries on either side. As we swung round the roundabout, the gap between the lorries (where I was located!) seemed to be becoming non-existent. (i.e. I fully expected the two lorries to touch each other - and I was in the middle!). I closed my eyes and thought "This is it!!!". As I did so, a few (very isolated) fragments of my past life did, indeed, flash into my mind. However I opened my eyes, only a short while later, to find that both of the lorries were ahead of me. (I quickly stopped, got off my bike, and threw up as a result of my panic).
2. About 12 years ago, I was the only passenger on a bus when it suddenly deviated off the road (because the driver had apparently fallen asleep) and crashed through the trees on the opposite side of the road. As the windscreen caved in my only thought was "Oh, bugger, I wasn't planning on dying today!". (The bus came to a halt, several hundred yards into a field, having managed to find the only gap for several miles between some very substantial trees, which would have fatally halted its progress).
So, in one situation, I had a tiny bit of the 'whole life experience' whereas, in the other, I simply felt 'p!ssed off!'.