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What is the volume of gas

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kimba | 22:40 Thu 04th Aug 2005 | Science
4 Answers
20 cubic inches of a gas with an absolute sressure of 5 psi is compressed until its pressure reaches 10 psi. What is the ne volume of the gas? (assume that ther is no change in temperature}


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Am I missing something or is this not explained using PV = nRT (assuming ideal gases)?

No Kempie you are not missing anything besides some fella's science homework from the west coast.

use Boyles law, PV = k

 and then you find that if pressure is doubled then the volume is halved - at const T

(god I wish the Americans would use SI units, life is so much simpler.....)

10 cubic inches

See this link for a really basic (well it is American!) animation.  Other links follow from this start point.

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What is the volume of gas

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