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FCAWarrior | 04:49 Fri 23rd Sep 2005 | Science
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Is anyone here a christian?


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lol, nice one Estie. See, that's a religion I can believe in.

FCA, are you a Christian? Do you believe in the Bible? Do you believe it is the word of God?

I am a Catholic and I go to church every Sunday. My belief in God makes an enourmous difference to my life. I can't imagine what it must be like for people who believe all they'll go to after death is oblivion, to be forgotten about forever. Believing in Heaven is extremely important. It means we can look forward to everlasting happiness, a happiness too great for us to possibly imagine on this earth. We will be infinitely happier in Heaven than at any moment on this earth.

Just remember, God is our Father in Heaven who loves  each of us with an infinite and unconditional love. Seek for God and you will find him.

If you were perfectly happy with your life without God and the idea that your existence would end with your physical death, would God cease to exist? The effect your belief has on you seems to play a pretty big part in your choice to believe it.
I suppose some people do choose to believe in God because they just want to have something to look forward to after they die. They might say to themselves that they may as well believe in God because they have nothing to lose by it, and atleast then they can have hopes about an afterlife. But in my case I believe in God because of the reasons I have explained in a previous answer I gave. God calls each of us to conversion in his own way. Somebody could have a strange spiritual experience which changes their whole life. Some people see God through the love shown by other people. A non-believer might come to conversion through the example another person shows as a loving Christian.
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I definetly am achristian and i read the bible every night

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I believe in God because of what animpact he's had on my friends. once isaw the difference in their lives, i wondered what was missing from my life. now i read the bible and pray every night. i go to church every week and am Baptist.I lover Jesus but my love can't ever total up to  how much he loves me or you.

Hello Mr FCAWarrior (strange name for a good christian),

Have a check on the internet for 'brainwashing, and the effects of'. I think you might have been got at.

I am saddend to hear that Stephen Hawking belives that 'there must be a god' - but he may be saying that tounge-in-cheeck. ooh - there is a science bit.

Yup, I am a heathen. But I do speak to spirit quite often - our new house built on the ruins of a croft where a lady died in a fire many years ago. Kate has not left yet, she obviously does not think that any 'next world' is a place she wants to go 'meet-her-maker'. 

Hello MargeB,

Another science bit - Dounreay was a great power station. I think it ran the first fast breeder reactor in the world. 

Dounreay had an assortment of reactors going critical from about May 1958 and finished with the shutdown of PFR on March 31,1994. Now, the site is  being demolished now and the reactor buildings cleared away. They are going to leave DFR (the globe) as a heritage building - it is rather beautiful and is where the first fast reactor went critical. Look up DFR on Google images. Also try  and Pathe News and search under 'Dounreay'.

We are now plagued up here with unsightly windfarms. We want a new nuclear power station and jobs - it is clean energy - no greenhouse gasses. I can't remember the exact figures but its something like 0.5kg enriched uranium to 3 million tons of coal heat equivalent - we all want the lights on and our fridges to work.

Ask the Green Party just how much lead, mercury and polonium-210 is ejected by the coal fired power stations  all over our homes, fields, schools etc. They always try to gloss over that aspect of fossil fuels.

sorry, I was wrong - it is
Apparently i'm a Christian... but seriously... No, i'm not.

The reason I don't go around murdering people is because I wouldn't want it happening to me. Not because a book scares me into thinking I will goto hell.

Just because i've had some water on my head doesn't make me a Christian. You can only be a true Christian if you follow everything that the bible says and so many people say "yea, i'm Christian" when they're clearly not.

My mum would say i'm a Christian, but if I say i'm NOT then i'm not :)

I'm agnostic.

haha most entertaining.

For the two crusaders on here, curious as to your take on the argument from evil - how can a omnipotently good god allow evil in the world?

Having a free conscience ia an essential part of being a human being, and therefore God has given us free will to choose good or evil. Obviously this evil will cause suffering for innocent people as well. God works our salvation through this suffering and through all the other sufferings that are part of nature (such as disease, accidents etc.). These sufferings offered up to God are a powerful prayer which, with the prayers of the souls in Purgatory and Heaven, heal countless wounded souls.
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i'm mot afraid of what the bible is. The reason i do what it says is so that god will be proud of me and so that i can honor God. As for those who claim to be christians but don't act like it, they probably just got off track. Some people are just scared of what their friends will think and so they live in 2 different worlds. One at church and one at home.
Thanks for that, now perhaps you would be so kind as to answer the following;

1. Why did god give us free will?
2. Why would he give us free will and then punish us for using it?
3. Why is he prepared to accept the suffering of innocent people?
4. Are you saying that only though suffering can god redeem us? He's omnipotent - that's just sick.
5. Why is there any need for suffering with an omnipotently benevolent god?
6. Why or how is there any justification for natural disasters?
7. This suffering is how we communicate with god? Suffering = prayer? Bloody hell it gets worse, the supreme being only deals in pain, death and destruction.
8. So is the prayer doing the healing or is god?
9. Why can't god heal souls without prayer?
10. Can god intercede in the world and people's lives without effecting their free will?
11. meh that will do for now.

I think you have a pretty messed up interpretation of the Christian faith really. As always when formulating these questions I come up with the answer that I am 'more good' than god. Wouldn't you be as well?
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    el d 

  1. god didn't give us free will, we have rules we must abide to if we don't follow them, we will be punished.
  2. He punishes us because he loves us so much.
  3. first of all we are not innocent, we are sinners even the ministers and pastors. second of all, he loves us that much that he gave up his son for us.
  4. well God doesn't want us to suffer and someone's gotta take the blame
  5. God loves us, he's perfect, therefore, he can't be associated with a sinner. so if we ask him to forgive us of our sins, we can have a relatioship with him.
  6. i'm not sure,ask johnny gus
  7. God isn't human.
  8. God is, even though he knows our thoughts, we still must give over any pain, sins, struggles, etc. that we have through prayer, he listens!
  9. i'm not positive, but i think it's because like i said he can't be associated with sinners and he's not going to force anything on you so you must ask.
  10. Yes, he works in people's hearts he's doing something in you right now. i bet you didn't even knowit. he's waiting for the perfect time to open your heart up to him.  you'll never know what he is doing in you until after he's done it.         idon't have a messed up faith i love God and that's all that really matters. you are not better than god. Would ou give you're only child for people that hated you? or how about take the punishment for something you didn't even do? i don't think so. I wouldn't either. that's why neither of us are any better than God or ever will be.
Lucky I picked this up tonight:

1. God did give us free will - he created us and all aspects of our being - even though he knew billions of us would break his arbitrary and prideful rules he was still content to create man in this way condemning them all to eternal damnation.
2. Right - self-explanatory
3. In that case god created us sinners - why do we need to apologise?
4. Are you taking the ****?
5. He can't be associated with a sinner - what? He CREATED MANKIND, a race of imperfect beings - how imperfect can you get?
6. Right
7. This answer makes no sense
8. God heals us but only if we ask nicely - this is supposed to be the most goodly being in the history of existence and beyond our understanding of compassion?
9. See 5 - I suspect it's because he either doesn't exist or is a complete *******. If you ask and he doesn't answer, why is that?
10. Lol sure so all those people who never turn to xstianity he's condeming to hell? You love god that's all that matters - to you, to god or to everyone else? Why do you love god? You'll never know what he's doing until after he's done it - I guess all those suicide bombers, rapists, murderers, and the like are working under his influence too? How can he influence me if I have free will? Are you beginning to understand?

As for his 'sacrifice' - yeah sure. Maybe if he hadn't made us full well knowing that he made us imperfect he wouldnt have had to sacrifice his son. It's called taking responsibility in the real world, not demanding the guilt of an entire species just because he ****** up in the first place. So yes, I am better than god because if I was omnipotent, I would not demand devotion, love, sacrifice, pain, suffering, prayer on the threat of damnation, I would simply ensure using my ommnipotence that 'my children' were free to choose whatever they wanted, and were happy, free from fear and pain and could enjoy the paradise I created for them without interfering.
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no' i'm not understanding and i never will. I love God because of the sacrifices he has made for me. I love him because of his unconditional love for me. loving God isn't really all that matters. all that matters is that i'm going to live forever with God. I have a relationship with him that gives me peace and joy. noone or nothing can provide those feelings for me other than God. the reason he can influence you is because he made you. he knows everything about you. he knew you before you were born and he knows you now. he loves you so much that he can't imagine you never living in heaven with him. he wants you there, but he won't force it upon you.
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el D, you can believe in whatever you want but i believe. But i do and forever will rely solely on the power of Jesus Christ to get me through. I love him and can't wait to spend eternity with him.

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