Genetically Modified Varietals Classed As Organic in The AnswerBank: Science
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Genetically Modified Varietals Classed As Organic

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beso | 07:48 Wed 21st Sep 2016 | Science
4 Answers
Organic certification is precluded for any plant variety that includes genetic modification through recombinant DNA techniques.

However plant varieties whose genes have been randomly modified using mutagenic chemicals or ionising radiation can be organically certified.

Can anyone explain this bizarre anomaly?


"Unlike genetically modified crops, which typically involve the insertion of one or two target genes, plants developed via mutagenic processes with random, multiple and unspecific genetic changes[17] have been discussed as a concern[18] but are not prohibited by any nation's organic standards. Reports from the US National Academy of Sciences state that there is no scientific justification for regulating genetic engineered crops while not doing so for mutation breeding crops.[5]

"Several organic food and seed companies promote and sell certified organic products that were developed using both chemical and nuclear mutagenesis.[19] Several certified organic brands, whose companies support strict labeling or outright bans on GMO-crops, market their use of branded wheat and other varietal strains which were derived from mutagenic processes without any reference to this genetic manipulation.[19] These organic products range from mutagenic barley and wheat ingredient used in organic beers[20] to mutagenic varieties of grapefruits sold directly to consumers as organic.[21]"
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Messing about with the wine ?

I can not see how anyone could make out that a GM created product can reasonably be classed as organic. For sure once made it could be grown in an organic way but I think most folk will assume organic would be evolved organically too not direct scientific fiddling with the code.

You sure some troll hasn't been on Wikipedia editing ? I'll go read it later today when I have time.
"the process of exposing seeds to chemicals or radiation in order to generate mutants"

I guess this isn't doing that much anyway then. It's merely increasing the chance of a mutation that survives, which is simply the natural process made more "vicious".

That would explain it.
OG is on the right lines. The "messing about" is considered to be so minimal, it's not regarded as a profound modification. Therefore, the products can still be regarded as organic.

I appreciate it might well seem bizarre but there it is.
Knocking out or modifying existing genes is probably just accelerating a natural phenomenom. Inserting genetic sequences from different species or even a different phylum is an order of magnitude (one might say) in difference.

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Genetically Modified Varietals Classed As Organic

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