Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
88 Answers
20 billion for a rocket to another planet. We've destroyed this one, so lets send a load of junk to another.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Dave: " folks just can't have a civilised discussion without resorting to personal insults." - oh you mean intellectual gems like:
"The worlds most expensive firework. Hope the dam thing goes up in smoke before it gets off the ground. "
" As Arnie said "Get your ass to Mars, get your ass to Mars."
"oh yeah - I forgot about Teflon! "
..you sowed the wind.
"The worlds most expensive firework. Hope the dam thing goes up in smoke before it gets off the ground. "
" As Arnie said "Get your ass to Mars, get your ass to Mars."
"oh yeah - I forgot about Teflon! "
..you sowed the wind.
NASA’s budget for 2021 (the latest year for which I can find the details) was $23.3 million. That’s less than the amount Americans spend on pizza each year ($38bn) and significantly less than the USA’s 2021 defence budget ($801bn).
Nevertheless, $38bn is a colossal amount of money and it’s only right to ask if it’s worth it.
TTT has already mentioned some of the spinoffs. It is estimated (see link below) that for every dollar NASA has invested in the space programme, between $7 and $14 has been returned to the US economy. And the benefits aren’t simply financial. The iconic “Blue Marble” image of the Earth taken from Apollo 17 nearly fifty years ago made us realise how fragile and precious our planet is.
I remember as a child being woken up to watch the first moon landing; it inspired me and countless others to dare to dream. The US Senator Robert Wilson, when asked to justify US spending on science (specifically the Fermilab particle accelerator), famously answered
“It has only to do with the respect with which we regard one another, the dignity of men, our love of culture. It has to do with are we good painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean all the things we really venerate in our country and are patriotic about. It has nothing to do directly with defending our country except to make it worth defending.”
NASA 2021 budget:
https:/ /www.na sa.gov/ sites/d efault/ files/a toms/fi les/upd ated_fy _2021_s pend_pl an_june _2021.p df
USA annual expenditure on pizza:
https:/ /blog.s licelif e.com/h ow-much -pizza- average -americ an-eat- year/
NASA defence budget 2021:
https:/ /execut ivegov. com/art icles/u -s-defe nse-bud get-202 2-how-m uch-doe s-the-u nited-s tates-s pend-on -its-de fense-b udget/
NASA return on investment:
https:/ /www.21 stcente ch.com/ money-s pent-na sa-not- waste/
Robert Wilson quotation:
https:/ /www.ap s.org/p ublicat ions/ap snews/2 01804/h istory. cfm
Nevertheless, $38bn is a colossal amount of money and it’s only right to ask if it’s worth it.
TTT has already mentioned some of the spinoffs. It is estimated (see link below) that for every dollar NASA has invested in the space programme, between $7 and $14 has been returned to the US economy. And the benefits aren’t simply financial. The iconic “Blue Marble” image of the Earth taken from Apollo 17 nearly fifty years ago made us realise how fragile and precious our planet is.
I remember as a child being woken up to watch the first moon landing; it inspired me and countless others to dare to dream. The US Senator Robert Wilson, when asked to justify US spending on science (specifically the Fermilab particle accelerator), famously answered
“It has only to do with the respect with which we regard one another, the dignity of men, our love of culture. It has to do with are we good painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean all the things we really venerate in our country and are patriotic about. It has nothing to do directly with defending our country except to make it worth defending.”
NASA 2021 budget:
USA annual expenditure on pizza:
NASA defence budget 2021:
NASA return on investment:
Robert Wilson quotation:
Dave: "You just can't bear to see someone disagree with you " - not true, if it's well argued and reasoned but this is just the usual intellectual pigmy, cost in isolation, idiocy. You disregard the overwhelming evidence that the money is returned many times over. Have a read of some of the links etc from the HTB post above. Maybe you'll see it's money well spent.