As everything beyond our universe is infinitely large, does that mean also that things can be infinitely small. So you could have an infinite amount of small universes inside one of our known atoms…quarks…smaller and smaller…smaller…..?
yes- numbers can be infinately small getting closer to zeroe as we count back but never quite getting there 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc then eventually 0.000000000000000001 and so it goes on. and atoms are tiny but there made up of smaller things that are so small there weight is zeroe
It seems to me quite likely that any new "small stuff" will stop at some point. Although that's not based on anything particularly concrete.
If you were wanting to think about it from the point of view of a designer, then they'd have to start somewhere, whereas infinite regress downwards means that they'd never be able to get the Universe off the ground. It's (sort of) the same if the Universe just spontaneously comes into existence, on the basis that nothing should be be complicated than it needs to be. At some point, ever-finer structure no longer really "adds" anything.
I remember as a junior schoolboy watching a film starting from Earth and zooming out into the cosmos and then reversing back to Earth and then into cells, molecules, atoms etc.
Would love to find it again...
Something about Buddhism resonates with me here
(Though I'm not a Buddhist).
Eternity works both ways.
You cant suffer an eternity of hell
(or suffer an eternity of heaven)
If we are not eternal.
(IE, have always existed!)
If we BEGIN to exist then we are not eternal...
Anyway, going of the post...
ToraToraTora, what do you mean by saying the Planch length is the smallest possible? Is space, like, split up into tiny cubes? It sounds weird, I thought space was meant to be continuous, do we actually know that it isn't?