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naomi24 | 07:21 Wed 07th Sep 2022 | Science
19 Answers
My husband, walking the dogs about a mile away from home this morning, didn't see the spectacular rainbow that I saw from my window. We're out in the country where the skies are wide above open fields so there was no obstruction to his view - and that got me wondering why he didn't see it. Was it just that he was viewing the sky from a different angle and therefore the reflection, for him, just wasn't there?


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Rainbows appear where there are raindrops in a band around 42 degrees from the observers shadow -
03:52 Thu 08th Sep 2022
// Was it just that he was viewing the sky from a different angle and therefore the reflection, for him, just wasn't there?//

Yes, must be that. Everybody sees a different rainbow, so sadly your husband was just unlucky -- he wasn't in the right place relative to where the rain was.

I'll never tire of seeing rainbows in their full glory, though! Did you see the secondary rainbow too? Usually that shows up if the first one is bright enough.
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If the sun was in front of your husband, he'd not have seen it.
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He wasn't particularly disappointed not to have seen it, Jim. I just thought it odd that he hadn't and wondered if the angle from which he was viewing the sky had some bearing on it.
you need to have the sun at your back, with rain in between. Maybe it wasnt raining where he was?
Naomi where you live sounds like heaven, lucky girl!
Rainbows appear where there are raindrops in a band around 42 degrees from the observers shadow -
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smurfchops, it has it downside. No pavements, no street lights, no shops, co 'community', weather-related power cuts, a 4x4 essential to tackle roads in winter.... but on the upside, peace and quiet - and horses for 'neigh'bours. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one).

Mibs. That makes sense. Thank you.
Technically you are seeing two rainbows, one for each eye. Similar but not the same.
...and technically (from the OP), isn't it "refraction" rather than "reflection"?
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Gingerbee, thinking about it you’re probably right. What do I know?

Thanks mibs. That makes sense too.
//...and technically (from the OP), isn't it "refraction" rather than "reflection"?//
Technically, it's both -
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Thanks mibs. There you go, gingerbee. I'm not as daft as you thought I was. ;o)
Thank you, Naomi. I just cracked 40 for best answers. Two more, . . . then I can retire.
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Nooo! You can't retire! We need brains here - and you have them in abundance. :o)
Well, we both know what happened last time I tried it.
Strangely enough during a sharp shower a couple of days ago when both a first and second rainbow were incredibly clear and bright I was very briefly a doubling of both on one side where they were brightest. They seemed to be at a slightly different angle to the main arcs, quickly facing to three, then the more conventional two then one.
^ Possibly caused by a reflection of the Sun.

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