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Clone Children

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StupidGuy | 04:08 Mon 14th Aug 2023 | Science
5 Answers
If I clone myself twice, one being male, the other female, would the offspring be a copy of me, or some other person unrelated to my genetics. Also, what are the legal prosecutions for creating people just to prove this dumb point.


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You couldn't make a true female clone of a male, but if it was possible both could in theory pass on a different pattern of chromosomes but if both sets were the same I think they would match up. The surrogate mother would have no impact on genetics as the genetic material would originate from the donor egg and sperm.
08:47 Mon 14th Aug 2023
A clone of you would be identical to you, so the same sex.
The offspring would be a combination of whichever clone was involved and whoever the surrogate mother was.
Sorry, I should have just said mother. I don't think surrogate mothers generally supply the egg.
A clone of the opposite sex to what you are isn’t a clone.
You couldn't make a true female clone of a male, but if it was possible both could in theory pass on a different pattern of chromosomes but if both sets were the same I think they would match up. The surrogate mother would have no impact on genetics as the genetic material would originate from the donor egg and sperm.

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