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95 Percent!

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Sinead_O | 12:56 Mon 30th Oct 2023 | Science
112 Answers

I was shocked to recently read this statistic-Ninety-five per cent of the ocean is unexplored. 

What’s down there? Why do we, as a race, spend millions on exploring space, yet who knows what is only a few miles away- seven miles at it's deepest?  



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What is TTT?

If we start mining the ocean floors we might start a new chain of pollution.

bednobs: "havent you been banned in a few names yourself TTT? :)" you seriously are not aware of the landf debacle?

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Super, thanks Countrylover, I'll be checking that out!  There's my afternoon gone! 

countrylover: "Whoever it is the questions were quite sensible and not  nasty. " - yeah especially the how do I find a head in a lake one, that was dynomite!


yes, arent you aware of the whole geezer debacle?

TTT ...maybe when you have these recurring suspicions, you should give some thought to keeping them off the site and use the CONTACT US provision instead.

Instead, you are doing a good job of scaring off both old and new members.

Watched episode 2 of Planet Earth III, which concentrated on life in the oceans, and there are some extremely strange - but very, very clever - creatures 2+ miles down. The Frog Fish, for instance; not very easy on the eye, but the way it uses an appendage (that looks quite like a shrimp) as a bait to lure it's prey, is simply astonishing. And who knew that the pearl octopus and the salmon ave something in common?

both tasty in  kebab ken?


You tell me, bednobs, chez 4155 is, and always has been, kebab-free😉

There must be a lot of unknown foodstuff, both animal and veggie down there that could help with feeding us or used in medications.and minerals that would be of great use.  Yet billions are spent on space exploration.  

What is it goes mods keep posting? Something like 'its not the poster that matters it's the question' And,  as I said, it's something I've always wondered about it and Mr T and i often talk about.  



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Canary I held back fr;0)!om answering.  My answer was somewhat ruder

From answering.

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