Now for another precautionary answer.
If the contents are flammable you may have a nifty flame thrower for as long as you still have a hand (and face). It is not impossible for the valve to fail, especially when misused, resulting in explosive discharge of contents, say from meltdown? There is a quantity of explosive force in some canisters to potentially �raise the roof�, (
not that I�ve done anything like this myself).
When �experimenting� with a potential bomb, there are any number of factors you may not have thought possible until you learn from experience, such as backspray, catching a wayward breeze or flammable curtains hanging at the other end of the room?
If you should choose to tempt fate, please have some regard for innocent bystanders and property. In spite of our ignorance we are nonetheless responsible for the consequences of our actions.
read this first and think again?