balding in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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redjay | 16:07 Wed 28th Jul 2004 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I have always had a bit of a receding hair line, but now I have a sun roof aswell, my hair at the sides grows like wide fire but sadly not on top, anyone got any good ideas what to do with it, I always shave it all over but this does make me look like a thug alas I dont want to look like a thug anymore, HELP!!!
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ehe... Just accept what God has given you... :) Besides, most people can't even afford a sunroof.
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A sunroof means very thin on top!!!!!
Instead of shaving, why not go for a Number Two, and experiment with a slimline beard to break up the sightline of observers, this should dissipate the 'thug' look. I am similalry folically challeneged, but I'm quite lucky because I wear specs, so I get a 'psycho professor' look, which I quite like!
Don't worry about it. I have grown faster than my hair too, and have a very short no.1 'haircut' which takes Mrs Wildwood about 55 seconds.
Someone with a badly fitting hairpiece.... now there is something that looks ridiculous.
Or even worse a bad combover from the armpits upwards!
It is difficult. I'm a baldy with a number 1 and on the large side, and I do notice some people do seem to treat me as a potential thug. Anyway, if someone can't tell the difference between a skinhead and a slaphead, they're unlikely to give you much trouble. And what's the alternative? A comb over? I'm pretty much imune to it these days; there's way worse things that can happen, let's face it! Tell you what though, if someone offered me a guaranteed hair restorer or a permanant hair remover I'd be sucking on a lollipop and saying 'Who luvs ya, baby?' quicker than you could take a breath.
My husband has alopaecia and until he shaved what was left of his hair off about a year ago, it was just a mass of bald patches. He knew he would have to shave it off one day, but it took him a while to get used to the idea. Once he did shave it all off, he wondered why he had worried about it. He has to shave it every day though, as he has very dark brown hair so the bits that do grow, show as stubble immediately. He still looks very sexy to me and because he is such a laid back bloke who laughs a lot, he isn't ever seen as a thuggish type. I think men worry far too much about hair loss - it's your personality and sense of humour that is important. (I hope that doesn't sound patronising).
You can go to your Dr and if he is approachable and ask for a prescription for 'Propecia'you don't get it on NHS and it costs about �30 per month. it can stop the receding going further and in some cases lost hair does grow back. Both my husband and his brother have been using it for about a year and in both cases new hair has definitely strated to grow and the monk tonsure at the back has gone. There are no promises it will work for everyone though.

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