Can do better than that Athley,my local supermarket has moved all the Christmas stuff to one side to make way for ................creme eggs and mini eggs!!
Wouldn't it be great if we could move this whole Christmas razz-matazz to june/July so at least we could sit outside and enjoy some warm sunshine while over-indulging. Might even inspire some of us to take some exercise as well rather than being couch-potatoes escaping the fog and deciding there's not a single programme on telly for the next 5 days that's worth watching - let me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marvin � Mrs Reinganum is of entirely the same idea! I've suggested emigrating to Australia or NZ where Christmas is in the middle of the summer (and they have roast turkey, plum pud etc. on the beach in temps of 40� plus)
Christmas TV in the summer would just be wall-to-wall sport. How about during Wimbledon fortnight (especially the weekend when it coincides with a Test Match)?