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LoftyLottie | 16:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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Wind Robinia? try Rennies ;0)
fingers crossed for the Woofies.
neti if I had that kind of wind I wouldn't give you fair warning :)
Hi folks
Sorry to hear about your wobble Woofy .Am thinking of you both as always. Take care and hope things are soon on the up again xx

Very ,very windy here .I went to the hairdressers this afternoon and came back looking as if I'd had a fright .

Not a good day .I've been passed from dept to dept by the hospital .I'll swear that at one point I was talking to one of the cleaners :) I must have repeated Mr S's name and how to spell it about twenty times .
"We'll call you back "...Nobody has called .
We're keeping the appt for the scan tomorrow anyway and they can jolly well sort it out then !
Hope everyones OK otherwise .Have a nice evening all . KBO.
Mr N came home from golf and said that one of our friends aged 63yrs had been taken ill whilst at a wedding in London, had a 9hr heart op, and has died. I cannot believe it, she was always on the go and busy, had a good life and wasn't too hard up.
Never rains eh....
Morning all...still windy but not quite as bad as yesterday & my garden seems to have survived.

Hope things are ok for the woofies. x

That's sad neti but often the way, we never know what's around the corner. Live for today mi dears, yesterday is history and tomorrow's a mystery.
Hija finishes work today (contract til the 30th) so they don't have to pay 600€ holiday pay, she's furious, but this is the way over here now. So I won't have to phone her to get her up from England or worry about her! Mr N won't want her home all the time, glad I'm away!
"I won't have to worry about her" neti?...hmmm, we'll hold you to that.

Well I've defrosted the freezer, cleaned out the fridge, tidied my tins & chucked out all the pisbees....ready now for squirreling away some winter supplies (when I feel up to facing the unwashed).

it's so funny...and true
Hi folks
Hope you're all Ok today especially the Woofies .
Not bad here ,bright and quite warm in the sun but still very breezy .
That's very sad Neti . Only young really .Very true what you say Robinia
Btw just what are pisbees ?
Of to the hospital later .Appt is 5.30 . I ask you .They'll be doing midnight appts soon :)
Take care all .
pisbees word for 'past it's sell by' goods.... :o)

Good luck this afternoon, it's awful having to wait until that time to go, try not to worry x
5.30 shaney, that's early for here, our hospital apps go on til 9pm, I hate them cos I'm asleep by then1 the flounce in and out forms .Brilliant .
Bloomin' raining here now .Had to dash out and get me smalls in .
And ..I've had a wheelie bin crisis . Got the bin in and it was full of maggots in the bottom .
Shock, horror , bleugh ,shudder .....The dustman had put the neighbours bin back on my drive by mistake and mine on his .He was a bit a sheepish when I asked for mine back :)
ah, thanks for that, robi; I shall print the forms up and keep a few in stock, you never know when they'll come in handy.

Just been to a preview of the Degas show - the lords of the press had one yesterday

and I snuck in today, crawling through the air conditioning pipes like 007. Some lovely pastels, though I could have done with more of them. But had to abandon OH at the eye hospital afterwards with a scratchy red eye. (Pre-existing, it wasn't actually caught by looking at Degas.)
ewww shaney..considering some of the scraping I've witnessed I'm guessing there's a maggotty bin not far away from me :o(

Oh lovely jn007, I used to have a couple of Degas' ballet danglers...erm, prints, not the originals.
Yes my sister also has a couple of Degas prints, oh hang on, they may be originals, she'd had them since forever, I'll check them out when I'm there.
apparently the best way to test whether a print is an original masterpiece is if the eyes follow you round the room.
just been browsing through the Sunday Sport - in search of kintting patterns... and came across this

I believe every word of it.
Oh dear jno, that is sad, but you reading the Sunday Sport, that I do not believe!
snags must not have a lot of work to do today


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