Crosswords10 mins ago
Lavender Oil
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.
http:// www. baldwins. co. uk/
Baldwin' s of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
17:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
chs on tst break...
My demanding neighbour got to be like that neti. She could be fine sometimes but thought she knew how everyone's lives should be run. I used to soak up all her woes to the point she'd be the first thing on my mind in a morning so in the interests of my sanity I had to back off but I still talk to her on the phone...she's just upset one of her nurses/home helps big time and refuses to apologise.
lol shaney, the birds are going berserk here, even the little ones are cock fighting so frantically they almost get tied up in knots. There are 5 or 6 male blackbirds for 2 females...brace yourselves ladies, it's gonna be a long summer! :)
Well it took the mist a long time to clear but the sun finally appeared. I was going to the shops but I might go in the garden instead...I'll be sorry when I have to go in the piddling rain tomorrow, I see the barometer's dropped right back onto rain already....grrr. Probably why I keep feeling a bit dizzy too.
My demanding neighbour got to be like that neti. She could be fine sometimes but thought she knew how everyone's lives should be run. I used to soak up all her woes to the point she'd be the first thing on my mind in a morning so in the interests of my sanity I had to back off but I still talk to her on the phone...she's just upset one of her nurses/home helps big time and refuses to apologise.
lol shaney, the birds are going berserk here, even the little ones are cock fighting so frantically they almost get tied up in knots. There are 5 or 6 male blackbirds for 2 females...brace yourselves ladies, it's gonna be a long summer! :)
Well it took the mist a long time to clear but the sun finally appeared. I was going to the shops but I might go in the garden instead...I'll be sorry when I have to go in the piddling rain tomorrow, I see the barometer's dropped right back onto rain already....grrr. Probably why I keep feeling a bit dizzy too.
My cousin is like that .She makes me feel depressed .
She runs on and on about herself all the time as if she's the only person in the world with 'ologies and 'itics .I did say I'd make a point of meeting up with her on a regular basis since my aunt died but I've made excuses a few times . Mr S doesn't like her coming round here either as once esconced you can't shift her !
I sometimes bump into her in the High St or Morrisons and we have a coffee She always has cake too and I end up paying ...Grr:)
She runs on and on about herself all the time as if she's the only person in the world with 'ologies and 'itics .I did say I'd make a point of meeting up with her on a regular basis since my aunt died but I've made excuses a few times . Mr S doesn't like her coming round here either as once esconced you can't shift her !
I sometimes bump into her in the High St or Morrisons and we have a coffee She always has cake too and I end up paying ...Grr:)
cannot believe its still sunny here. Dogs are out in the garden enjoying themselves and there is dust everywhere.
neti I lost my bank card once. I really thought it had been stolen and did all the stopping it stuff. A month later I found it in the freezer stuck on the bottom of the wrapping on a joint of beef.
neti I lost my bank card once. I really thought it had been stolen and did all the stopping it stuff. A month later I found it in the freezer stuck on the bottom of the wrapping on a joint of beef.
I'm back, oooh, didn't stay out there for more than a few minutes, it's so cold, even in the sun, and it looked so glorious. (real feel 5C it says).
The problem with not making a big deal out of your own aches and pains is that when others have something wrong (and they do eventually) they talk as if you couldn't possibly know how bad it is, and they're off to the docs, blah blah.... haha. I give up sometimes.
So, does anyone want to offload their woes?
http:// www.fre e-anima ted-pic tures.c om/clas sic_gif -animat ed_happ y_cat-k itten_h eadphon es.gif
The problem with not making a big deal out of your own aches and pains is that when others have something wrong (and they do eventually) they talk as if you couldn't possibly know how bad it is, and they're off to the docs, blah blah.... haha. I give up sometimes.
So, does anyone want to offload their woes?
Haha ..Robinia .It looks just like my namesake cousin .She won't put her teeth in :)
Oh Woofy ..years ago Mr S lost a little wallet thing with all his cards ,travel card etc .He was mighty piddled orf mainly about the travel card as he'd just renewed it .
We searched high and low to no avail .Anyhow he cancelled the plastic and we thought no more about it for years until we came to move here .
The removal men pulled out a really big heavy cupboard ,something like what they used to call a linen press ,there it was, on the floor .It must have fallen down the back .Mr S has a habit of lumbering stuff on top of cupboards .
Just goes to show that I never pulled it out to vacuum ...ooooh the shame :)
Oh Woofy ..years ago Mr S lost a little wallet thing with all his cards ,travel card etc .He was mighty piddled orf mainly about the travel card as he'd just renewed it .
We searched high and low to no avail .Anyhow he cancelled the plastic and we thought no more about it for years until we came to move here .
The removal men pulled out a really big heavy cupboard ,something like what they used to call a linen press ,there it was, on the floor .It must have fallen down the back .Mr S has a habit of lumbering stuff on top of cupboards .
Just goes to show that I never pulled it out to vacuum ...ooooh the shame :)
I "lost" my card once before and rushed around cancelling it, having nightmares that the 'orrible kids at the bottom of the garden had found it and were using it, then immediately found it in the bottom of the wardrobe where it had fallen out of my jean's pocket, d'oh but had to wait a week for a new one, and I need my meds now! Dare not tell Mr N!
Have just found something weird under my bazoon, it is like a red lips and when I pull the bazoom up, it's like an open mouth, horrible, not sore but slightly itching, I know we get things there in the summer but never anything like, any ideas, I would think large ringworm but I don't think ringworm is actually a ring! Will see what it is like in the am then trot back to medico I suppose!!!
Have just found something weird under my bazoon, it is like a red lips and when I pull the bazoom up, it's like an open mouth, horrible, not sore but slightly itching, I know we get things there in the summer but never anything like, any ideas, I would think large ringworm but I don't think ringworm is actually a ring! Will see what it is like in the am then trot back to medico I suppose!!!
and pressed enter too soon. I used to get it when travelling with DH on ships with no AC. Stop using any soap or other lotions or talc in the area, keep it clean with water only. Pat dry and make sure its dry before you dress. A hairdryer on cool helps. If it gets worse or isnt considerably better in 5 days then go to el medico. Don't use any kind of dressing or padding in the bra if you can help it.
Oh dear Neti seem to get a lot of trouble under the bazooms .
Keep it as dry as possible .I'm big busted and get a bit sore underneath sometimes .
I found that some of this stuff they put into the bra elastic bits bring me out in red wheals .Do you wear underwired or ordinary bras ?
I know on some M&S bras they have allergy warnings .
Keep it as dry as possible .I'm big busted and get a bit sore underneath sometimes .
I found that some of this stuff they put into the bra elastic bits bring me out in red wheals .Do you wear underwired or ordinary bras ?
I know on some M&S bras they have allergy warnings .
I didn't get it cuddling manky cats cos there were none at sea. The fungus lives on most people's skins most of the time. Its kept in check by skin ph and environment. I used to get breakouts when the weather was hot, also when the food on board was bad, either the fruit and veg was old or the food was so bad that i would live on bread and jam so basically a zero vitamin diet.
I use that Lanacane stuff which is brilliant .It stops chafing .
http:// www.ama uk/Lana cane-An ti-Chaf ing-Gel -30g/dp /B0015X 8418
No shaney, no underwired bras cos I had tietse's syndrome and it was very painful, but have to admit that the bras underneath are rather large, they are actually sports bras, but I love them as they shape me nicely. I usually get rashes under the bazooms in the heat and have been feeling a bit warm lately, but this makes me disgusted!
Oh woe is neti! it is all about me, me, me and we have no BBC or ITV cos of the weather!
Oh woe is neti! it is all about me, me, me and we have no BBC or ITV cos of the weather!
Mr N wanted to watch the footy but can't receive ITV and it's not on Spanish freeview, so he's gone to bed with his book as he is working hard at the mo and leaving at about 7.30 for the other side of the island Benirras and gets home about 18hr thereabouts. Last thing he wants to do is look at my glaring ringworm!!